Wednesday, November 21, 2007

and when i see you....i really see you upside down

but my mind knows better. it picks you up and turns you around.

i'm thankful too. for a lot of things. and i have really small insignificant problems. well i really can't think of many.

but i am thankful. so thankful. for:
  • my fam- miss 'em as much as i pretend not to miss anything.
  • rachael's fam- for taking me in
  • my roommate- who's awesome.
  • my friends at home- who keep me informed on the happenings of the homelife and remind why i love sherwood.
  • food- i think i am loosing weight here. these people dont eat often enough.
  • my lovely readership- the best morman ever.
  • books and magazines- which make life more interesting
  • almond roca- for making me fat and happy
  • my college friends- who made this whole new experience amazing and siginificantly less terrifying.
  • bitter people- who let you know that things could always be worse than they are.
  • christmas lights- which remind me of the happiest, warmest memories of completeness where i need nothing but the fam.
  • my little baby pup- whom i miss more than anything on the west coast.
  • fall- which makes the cold much more bearable.
  • my lack of ass- which makes me significantly less whore-ish.
  • john mayer- who understands all that has to do with life, love, and other mysteries.
  • the color purple- which is unique and deep but fun.
  • blogging- which gives me an amazing outlet for this emo side of me. probably clouding your sense of me as the strong, emotionless rock.
  • piano playing- which makes me feel like everything in the world will be alright in the end. those songs that go on forever. and have their ups and down. and just when you think they are about to end, they pick up again, stronger than before. and they remind you of yourself. and you smile.

and now onto the hot mess of stuff that get's my panties in a bunch but really isnt that bad:

  1. not getting to go home- because i just want to drive that familiar drive to starbucks and sit down with my friends. and laugh over thanksgiving dinner with my fam. and cuddle with my dog who love more than anything else as i fall asleep.
  2. not having anything in the world i love more than cuddling with my dog- i'd like for this hole to be filled with a person. and i realize that takes time. perhaps a lifetime. but i want it now. i want it back.
  3. fat- and it is my own fault. because i am too lazy to workout. so that is my post thanksgiving resolution. yep. and sticking to it.
  4. my weakness for bad guys- it needs to stop because i win great guys. hell one of my best guy friends is the GREATEST guy ever. like perfect. and i am not attracted to that. WHY!!??!!??

and these are my issues. but i'm losing any sleep over them. i have no control over them. there is no point in this world in worrying. it wastes time for action.


Amber Whiteley said...

this is probably one of my favorite blogs of yours.

whitney said...

ew seriously?