Wednesday, July 2, 2008

60 seconds of bliss.

the dissadvantages of sitting next to the watercooler:

  • people sneak up unexpectedly and send me into a slight state of shock every 2-3 minutes.
  • it makes it ridiculously hard to do things such as blog, stalk john mayer, memorize weather patterns accross the earth, etc. since i should be working and they get a perfect view of my dissobedience medium-- the computer.
  • just when i think someone is b-lining it to quench their thirst, they show up at my desk, expecting something, sending me into a frenzy.
  • three words: awkward eye contact.
  • people like to start conversations with me. sometimes welcome, sometimes interesting, but always socially awkward, seeing as engineers do not have conversations without the support of a keyboard and monitor, a stereotype i fit nicely into.
  • distractions-- it doesnt help that a squirrel has better focus than, shiny!

this had been your 60 seconds in bliss.

over and out.

1 comment:

Amber Whiteley said...

I'm sorry I never commented on this, but I wanted you to know that I laughed heartily when I read it.
thank you.