Wednesday, January 2, 2008

i am sacrificing sleep for this. how dare you with hold pictures for blogs. thats like with holding sex from john mayer.

this is for you. yes, you. which, by the way, is my que to knwo you are talking about me.

and i got a response rather quickly. a nice one. one that restores my faith in the gentlemen species.

but still. i really need to stop these bad habits. really bad habits that i am not permitted to speak of on the world wide web.

although i might think some random person from new zealand is secretly dedicated to my bloig. (a typo that could possible be how they say blog in new zealand.) i doubt anyone besides you are considering i have like 60 views. which is lame considering my last one had over a thousand.

think about it. over a thousand people took interest in what i had to say. okay, well maybe like twenty people who looked at my blog a lot. but still. think of the power of this.

i could say AMBI IS A TOTAL WHORE. and even though it isnt completely true. people would believe me.

and thats scary.

to think my mistakes could very easily find themselves here for the world to see.

and speaking of the mistakes. i dont know if i would call them mistakes. but i feel like i am hurting myself with this lifestyle. somehow. i havent figured it out yet. but i think i am so immune to emotion that one day it will all come flooding back and i will have some huge break down...

mefmloefnioen. thats code for "i just pounded my fingers all over the keyboard out of frusteration because i want those pictures more than a one night stand with john mayer."

and it sounds crazy. but that is only because i would rather have many nights with john mayer.


Amber Whiteley said...

BAH HA HA - that's to let you know I was laughing the entire time.

Amber Whiteley said...

Oh, and you could say "ambi is a total whore" and people would believe you... because it's true.